Rates starting at

  • First Mortgages
  • Up to 75% LTV
  • $50k - $1M+
  • 12 month term


- No minimum Beacon Score

-Rates and fees subject to credit, income and property conditions

-Submit your deals via Filogix


Amortized, interest only and reserve options available

Fees starting at 1%

Optional rate and fee structure available.

* Each mortgage application is subject to approval based on its own merits in accordance with Trident Mortgage Investment Corporations policies and guidelines. Rates are subject to change at any time, at the discetion of Trident MIC.

We Offer Fast, Effective, Reliable Mortgage Services

First Mortgage Financing

Trident MIC offers an alternative option for your client who has been denied by their bank. We are able to provide First Mortgage Financing and close fast, efficiently, and on-time.

Easy as 1-2-3-4

Submission of the deal
Review & Approval of the deal
Underwriting and committment to completion of the deal
Funding of the deal

Quick Turnarounds

Most deals can be turned around in 48 hours, from successful submission of all documents.

With You Every Step Of The Way

Our Underwriter will be in contact each step of the way, to keep you informed.

Submit Your Application Online,
through one of our trusted partners


Talk to us today.

Let’s work together to bring our
World Class customer experience
to you and your clients.

Yvonne MacNeil
[email protected]